Saturday, September 12, 2020

never poor again - learn how to make serious passive money online

             Ultimate Loss Weight Strategy

Hello, and Welcome Back to my blog; inside this article, I'm going to share certainly my best strategy the best strategies I've had to use to lose weight as fast as possible and I plan to share these tips with you today. And I will also present to you my ultimate tip which will allow you to acquire a complete training well supervised while enjoying the comfort of your home; then see you immediately.Download free photo of Belly,big,body,darina copakova,diet - from

  •       Best Advice For Losing Weight 

         Before Starting, i would show My best recommandation instantly.

I introduce to you THE BEST FITNESS PROGRAM. It's a Fat Burner Home Workout

Now, If you are looking to burn fat in record time, don’t look any further! From detailed training tips to accessible meal plans, this comprehensive 76-page manual includes everything you need to know to lose fat without leaving your home. Along with a full 12 week nutrition plan, Brandon Todd has designed three training phases to help you get the most out of your home workouts. This 12 week home workout and nutrition plan includes: 
  • Nutrition plans designed for all dietary requirements 
  • Meal splits and cheat meal options 
  • Understanding calorie breakdowns, caloric deficit, and metabolism 
  • Home gym equipment 
  • Tons of training tips and guidelines
  • Detailed daily workout instructions targeted at different parts of the body
  • Useful tips to monitor and track your fitness progress
  • Tips for staying motivated and overcoming self-doubt
        If you want to get full access to this program, and start building your dream body today without too much effort, I invite you to click on this link now.

    There are many easy ways to help facilitate fat loss. The more of the following tips you do the more likely you are to reach your weight loss goals.

1. Get Control Over Your Diet:
Quand la cuisine fait Duchemin Archives - Page 2 sur 3 - Guide Duchemin Your diet accounts for 75% of the current state of your physique. You cannot possibly exercise enough to overcome a crappy diet, so you need to pull it together. Here is what you need to do: 

        a. Make good food choices: Choose whole, natural foods to provide you with the energy and nutrients your body needs to function optimally. These include nuts and seeds, fruit and berries, all veggies (especially the green ones), avocados, 100% whole grains, lean chicken and turkey, and wild salmon. Absolutely NO: fast food, refined carbohydrates, artificial sweeteners, added sugar, foods high in saturated fat, foods that come in a box, can or have a shelf life of 2020, processed food, soda, fruit juices, or alcohol.

        b. Portion control: Eat less than you do now and eat only until you are 80% full.

        c. Eat at the right times: To kick-start your engines eat your first meal immediately upon waking, eat a meal or snack every 4 hours to keep insulin levels regulated, and do not eat after 9 pm.

    2. Exercise runner, jogging, run in the park, man running, man jogging, running on  path, running, fitness, exercise, run, athlete | Pikist - But do not waste your time doing the wrong kinds! Long, slow, continuous, aerobic exercise at an easy pace may help keep you healthy but it will not lead to major fat loss. So skip the 45 minute walk on the treadmill at the gym while you gab with your friend and trade it in for one of these more efficient fat burning modes of exercise:

a. Strength training circuits: Perform 5-10 multi-jointed moves (i.e. squat and push up) using body weight, stability balls, and/or dumbbells. When completed in a circuit with no rest in between each move a pretty mean cardio workout will result.

b. High intensity cardio intervals: Alternate 30 second-2 minute high intensity cardio intervals with 10-30 seconds of rest. This can be done using running on a treadmill or outside, elliptical, rowing machine, or bike and will have a major fat burning affect.

    3. Get Enough SleepFree Images : person, feet, sleeping, child, product, sleep, bed, infant,  tired, bedtime 3075x2038 - - 658910 - Free stock photos - PxHere Get at least 7 hours. Also, try your best to wake up and go to sleep at the same time everyday. Getting fewer than 7 hours of sleep each night can disrupt the levels of the hormones, leptin and grehlin, which can cause you to want to eat more.

4. Drink Water: 
Royalty-Free photo: Drinking bottle near clear drinking gloass | PickPik Often when you think you are hungry, you are often actually dehydrated. Additionally, all the metabolic processes in your body occur in water. Being adequately hydrated will help facilitate optimal metabolic activity. Women should be drinking 80 ounces per day, and men should consume 120 ounces.

5. Enlist Social Support: It is a well known tidbit that those who are trying to accomplish a goal and have the support of those close to them accomplish more than those who do not have social support. Try sharing your fat loss goals with family and friends and ask for them to support you on your journey. Also, join an online forum or fat loss group where you are surrounded by other people who share similar goals as you. Being held accountable will greatly increase your chances of following your plan through to then end.

6. Use Supplements: Often times even the best diets cannot supply us with every nutrient our bodies need to run efficiently. Try supplementing with some or all of the following: Multi-vitamin with spirulina, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, forskolin, guggul, advantra Z, L-tyrosine, chromium, and vanadyl sulfate.

Friday, September 11, 2020


​Hey hi to you I am very happy to find you on this new article. in this article, we are going to discover a 

very interesting and quite exciting subject which is affiliate marketing.

 We will then find out everything there is to know about the latter, such as:

       1.          What is Affiliate Marketing

       2.          How to make money with Affiliate Marketing

       3.       Advantages ans Disadvantages
       4.        My Recommendation

So Let's Start.

        Affiliate marketing is a term you will hear a lot when you start learning about marketing online. 

Most seasoned internet marketers and webmasters know how it works and how to be a successful 

affiliate. However as a new online marketer this term may be unfamiliar and as such you have little  

idea what they are talking about, let alone how to make money as an affiliate marketer.


                       1. What is affiliate marketing ?

File:Image showing affiliate marketing techniques.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
In a nutshell affiliate marketing is when you sell or get leads for another merchants product or service.

 When a merchant needs help to get sales he will find, especially for "hot" products, that he will have 

more than ample affiliates willing to help him sell it. All you have to do is sign up as an affiliate to be 

paid a commission or a flat rate rate per lead or sale. The rate of commission can vary greatly from a 

small percentage up to 100% of the selling price.

        An affiliate is like a salesperson who works on commission. If the salesperson introduces a 

potential customer to a new product, they will get paid only if that customer purchases the product. 

Most major online companies use affiliates as their salesforce. This helps internet businesses build a 

stream of traffic and it helps the affiliate make money.

          Get This Free e-book To Learn What are the good habits when you start affiliate marketing

                                        2. How to make money with affiliate marketing.

So you want to make money with affiliate marketing. Do you understand how it all works? Affiliate 

programs are very easy to sign up for, and the money potential is huge. If you want to become 100+ Free Earnings & Money Illustrations - Pixabay

successful, you must learn internet marketing. You see, there are many different ways to earn money 

from home. But if you don't follow a proven strategy, you'll never make a dime. Here's what you need 

to do:

Sign up with ClickBank. This is an affiliate network that has thousands of products that you can 

promote to make money. Once you have an account with them, you can begin immediately.
                                                                                      100+ Free Earn Money & Money Illustrations - Pixabay
Choose the right products. You can't promote just any old product. You must find the best converting 

offers. When you are browsing the ClickBank marketplace, you will notice that each product has a 

gravity count. Gravity is the number of affiliates who have successfully made a sale within the last 

week. If a product has a gravity of 20 or higher, it means the product is very good. Look for the 

products that have high gravity and low refund rates. This will ensure that you make the most money.

In today's very challenging economic times more and more people are looking for a better way to earn 

the money that they need in order to live their idea lifestyle. If you are willing to put in the work and 
do what it takes to create a successful and profitable online business, then affiliate marketing may be 

the perfect opportunity for you.

   ClickBank products are primarily digital products that are available for immediate download once 

purchased. There are companies that offer mostly physical products (like Commission Junction), which are shipped once the order is completed.

Typically, commission rates on digital products are much higher than on physical products due to the 

fact that there is no manufacturing, warehousing or shipping involved.

To look for other opportunities for making money with affiliate marketing programs, simply open your 

search engine and type "product type + affiliate", without the quote marks. For example, designer 

purses + affiliate, or sunglasses + affiliate - this will produce plenty of links to opportunities for you to check out.

Most affiliate programs offer free sign up for people wishing to promote products, but some do require an application to be approved before you can start marketing.

There are many different ways to promote products, both paid methods, such as pay-per-click; and free 

methods like article marketing and online free classified ads. I do suggest trying out the free methods first until you have gained a little experience.

Another suggestion is to join a couple of affiliate marketing forums - reading posts by other marketers 

can be very helpful and can allow you to learn some things the quick and easy way rather than through 

hard won experience. Just open your search engine and type in "affiliate marketing forums"; you  
should get plenty of links to check out. I recommend that you look for a couple that have been around 

for a long time and have a lot of active members. On most forums of this type; people are very helpful 

and offer a lot of useful free advice.

Making money with affiliate marketing programs is a quick way to start building some extra income 

working in your spare time. Many people have grown their part time affiliate businesses into full time occupations.

 3. Advantages and Disadvantages.

30+ Free Affiliate Marketing & Affiliate Images - Pixabay 

When making money with Affiliate Marketing you are largely making money off the back of other 

peoples efforts. That's right because when you enter into an agreement with a product creator you are 

basically stating that you will promote their product in exchange for a cut of the purchase price of the product.

        Affiliate marketing is seen as one of it not the easiest form of making money on-line due to the fact you have no:

1. Time or money spent on product creation and

2. You do not have any ongoing sales support issues

        Both of these areas can be large on money and labour intensive on time. If you choose a good affiliate marketing program you should also have the additional benefits of:

1. Free to sign up to the affiliate scheme

2. Generous commissions, these can range from 50% to 75% if dealing in the realms of digital products.

3. Frequent payments, lets say once or twice a month.

4. Promotional tools to assist with the affiliates promotional efforts.

5. The best schemes will also provide training support to aid in your success.

        For all the fact I have stated that this provides an easier route into having a internet based business 

this should not be mistaken for believing that it is easy to achieve success without hard work and a 

steep learning curve, "Yes" there is much to learn and you should not lose sight of this before you 

So whatever you do learn about affiliate marketing and all its complexities first before diving in! 95% 

of people entering into this fail, not because they are not capable, but just because they have not 

educated themselves about all the things they need to know to create success. Don't make the same mistake!

           4. My Best Recommendation 

If you really want to be able to make money online on the internet today, then you've come across the perfect article.

 As mentioned above, affiliate marketing is a fast and efficient way to earn money on the internet; only, 

many novices do not know that it is 2020 and that too many people are doing it every day. This is how 

many fail because they adopt the old methods, (Spam on my social networks)
fail to make any sale.

 It is therefore to this extent that professionals have embarked on a complete review of what affiliate 

marketing is, they have discovered its secrets and have succeeded in developing a system that allows them to win every time.

so they decided to share these secrets with you. Here they are:

        I would like to introduce you to 12MINUTESAFFILIATE 12 Minute Affilate

        The "12 Minute Affiliate" Is A Plug-And-Play System That FINALLY Makes Affiliate 

        Marketing  As Easy As It Has Always Been Promised To Be.

            Simple plug-and-play activation in as little as 12 short minutes.

            Easily earn commissions in the biggest and most profitable niche markets.

            Build a huge email list quickly and easily. 

    ✅​        Follow up with your leads for months on complete auto-pilot.    

    ✅​        Promote your affiliate products with the click of a button (even on social media).

    ​✅        PERFECT for newbie and intermediate marketers.
    cruise ship, vacation, travel, ship, deck, sea, passenger, luxury, liner,  tourism, vessel | Pikist

This system is extremely sophisticated and can allow you to turn membership into a significant source 

of passive income; you will be able to live your life without a boss as you wish.

  Make the right choice and we'll see you next time for a future article.

Thursday, September 10, 2020


        Natural Diabetes Cures - If There is No Cure, Why Do Thousands Cure Diabetes Each Year?

Girl, woman, meadow, sunset, laugh - free image from 

It seems like others are wondering the same thing I am, "If there is no cure for diabetes, why do 

thousands cure diabetes each year?"

It is said that diabetes is an epidemic! Over 62 million Americans are diabetic or pre-diabetic. That is 1 

and 5 Americans are dealing with diabetes and insulin issues. And if you check out the American 

Diabetes Association (ADA) website, you will find that there is still no cure for diabetes. The ADA 


believes insulin is our best option. And so do pharmaceutical companies which make billions of dollars 

off of diabetic patients.

Yet thousands of people and some doctors state that you can naturally cure diabetes with your diet and 


Who is telling the truth?

Facts about Natural Diabetes Cures

In 2003, Duke Researchers experimented with a low carbohydrate / high fat diet. The diabetic study 

resulted with 17 out of 21 patients reducing their medicated insulin or discontinuing it altogether after 
16 weeks.

Diabetic research has also visited tribes in northern countries like Greenland, and found that diabetes is 

extremely rare in many native cultures. About 1 in every 2000 Eskimos were found to be diabetic or 


And there are numerous other studies which are showing surprising findings. Here is what you need to 

do to naturally reverse diabetes. You may be able to cure diabetes in weeks too!

     Before I continue, I would like to talk to you about what diabetes really is, and how it could possibly be prevented.

Diabetes is a metabolic disease that is caused when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to 

naturally turn sugars ingested into your body into energy.

 There are three major types of diabetes. There are:

Type-1 Diabetes

This type of diabetes is an autoimmune disease - which is a result of the body's failure to fight  

infection. As a result, the body begins to attack its own cells - in this case the beta cells in the pancreas 

that produce insulin. The body destroys the beta cells and no insulin is produced. People with type-1 

diabetes have to take insulin shots daily in order to live.

The causes of type-1 diabetes are not known, however autoimmune, genetic, and environmental factors 

are believed to play a role in the onset of type-1 diabetes. This type of diabetes can affect people of any 

age, but most often is found in children and young adults. Symptoms of type-1 diabetes include 

increased thirst and urination, constant hunger, blurred vision, unexplained weight loss, and fatigue. An 

early diagnosis of type-1 diabetes is very important. Without daily injections of insulin, a person with 

this type of diabetes is at a high risk of lapsing into a diabetic coma, a life-threatening condition.

Type-2 Diabetes

This type of diabetes is the most common type. Type-2 diabetes usually affects adults who are obese, 

have a family history of diabetes, or have a previous history of gestational diabetes. Type-2 diabetes is 

not caused by the body's inability to produce insulin, but rather by the body's inability to use the insulin 

it creates effectively. This causes the blood to have higher levels of sugars than normal.

The symptoms of type-2 diabetes include frequent thirst and urination, nausea, unexplained weightloss, 

frequent infections, wounds and sores heal slowly, and fatigue.

This type of diabetes can often be prevented or controlled with certain lifestyle changes, including a 

healthy diet and regular exercise. Some patients need to take medications and many use natural 

treatments to effectively control the symptoms of type-2 diabetes.

Gestational Diabetes

This type of diabetes occurs in pregnant women and is caused by an intolerance to carbohydrates, 

which causes blood sugar levels to increase. It is very important for a woman who has gestational 

diabetes to control the disease in order to prevent the baby from being affected at birth. If the blood 

sugar levels in the pregnant woman are not under control, there is a risk of the baby going into insulin 

shock at birth.

Gestational diabetes risk factors include a family history of diabetes, increased maternal age, and 

obesity. While the symptoms of gestational diabetes usually disappear after the birth, there are 

significant risks to both the mother and child. The mother is at a higher risk of developing type-2 

diabetes at a later time and the child is at a higher risk of being obese or developing diabetes later in 

    And now, I am going to talk to you about the possibility of preventing the onset of diabetes.

How To Preventing the Onset of Diabetes

Many times, diabetes can be prevented or the onset can be delayed. All three types of diabetes can be 

controlled effectively by changes in your lifestyle. A healthy diet is the most important change - eating 

healthy foods on a normal schedule allows your body to perform the tasks necessary to sustain life. A 

healthy diet should consist of plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, fiber, and Omega-3 fatty acids.  

Once a person has been diagnosed with any type of diabetes, the intake of carbohydrates should be  

monitored and the intake of sugars should be greatly reduced.

Regular exercise is also important for your overall health. Keeping your body in good working order 

by keeping muscles toned and blood flowing correctly also helps your body to perform its normal tasks.

It is important for early diagnosis and effective treatment of diabetes in order to avoid more serious 

illness and diseases that can be associated with diabetes such as heart disease and stroke. Diabetics are 

at a higher risk of developing many other diseases and illnesses, but the most important thing to 

remember is that if you work with your body, your body will work for you.

and now, if it is too late for prevention in you, because you are already developing an onset of diabetes, 

or even if it is already at a very advanced stage in you, do not worry because there are many little 

known treatments that can help you finally tell God to your diabetes.

                   Discover My Best Recommandation.

My best recommandation to fight Diabetes.

 Discover Diabetes Freedom program

What's Diabetes Freeodom Program?



First up you get the temporary nutrition plan that targets and destroys the white fat cells that are 

clogging up your insides.

When your pancreas starts to fire again in a couple of weeks, you’ll be regulating your blood sugar on 

your own again, meaning diabetes type 2 goes into remission.

You’ll get the exact nutrients that increase your brown fat levels and burn the white fat as energy.

You’ll feel a surge of natural energy light you up as this happens. Your body will feel lighter and your 

brain clearer.

If you can avoid sodas and bread for a few days, this part is easy.

You’ll also get the five-part video program to beat diabetes which includes:

The delicious breakfast shakes which target and melt the white fat cells.

The exact meals to eat and when, to incinerate fat around the pancreas and liver.

The carbs you can safely eat, at all times, which means you never go hungry and tired.

     πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰   You’ll get the five detox teas that melt fat cells, beat cravings and lower blood sugar in a few 

    πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰You’ll get the 7 key fat loss shortcuts that nobody tells you about, because they’re much too powerful (hint: it’s not keto).

    πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰You’ll get the tastiest desserts that you can enjoy without having to worry once about your blood sugar.

And this is only a very small part of what will get from this program; because there are many others.

Click On This Link Now To Get it With my Special Bonus Who Are :

                    BONUS 1

Is The Fat Burning Blueprint

                    BONUS 2

Is The Stay Young Forever Program

                       BONUS 3


Is 33 Power Foods For Diabetics.


1. Diabetes may have taken years to develop but will only take 4 weeks to cure... if you are serious 

about it. For most of your life you have probably developed bad habits which may have contributed to 

your diabetes. Breaking those habits is difficult but can be done. Having a positive attitude is important 

in your journey.

2. You need to remember this important rule, "You are what you eat!" If you study diabetics' nutritional 

plans, you will usually find high carbohydrate foods, high processed foods and little minerals and 

vitamins. With this in mind, you may need to completely change your diet. You can start with avoiding 

all processed foods which include fast foods, canned foods, and most boxed foods. Eat fresh foods that 

are raw!

3. The ADA recommends a diet with carbohydrates. Scientifically, we know that carbohydrates convert 

to sugar by the body. You should avoid most carbohydrates and begin to make foods choices with 

protein and fresh fruits and vegetables. More vegetables are the better option.

4. Your body is littered with toxins, cholesterol, plaque, radicals and even more junk then I should 

mention. Fortunately, water can change all of that very quickly. Make sure you are drinking at least 16 

ounces of water for every 2 hours you are awake.

5. Finally, educate yourself. Thousands of people make millions of dollars off of your disease. Learn 

how to reverse diabetes naturally and completely cure it and 4 weeks. You can start tonight!


Hope that after reading this article you will never fear diabetes disease again.

Thank you for your attention and Good Luck 

🚨🚨 Don't Forget  to get your program before the price goes up. Because this is a program available all over the world.

                    Your Special link is just There.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020


Discover all you have to know about Keto Diet.      

  • What's Keto Diet ?

  • The characteristics the Keto Diet

  • Advantages and Disavantages

  • Recommandation et precaution

                    WHAT IS KETO DIET ?

Custom Keto Diet
The ketogenic diet has been a high fat diet that has been particularly popular in recent years. However, 

it has been used for nearly a hundred years to treat certain pathologies, including epilepsy. This diet 

aims to dramatically reduce carbohydrate intake in favor of fat to induce a state of ketosis. Beyond the 

significant weight loss, it is said to have many health benefits. 

                   Diet Ketogienic Characteristics

To promote a better understanding of what constitutes a well-formulated ketogenic diet, we have

 identified 10 key characteristics of both the diet and the context of its use. They are:

  • Sustains nutritional ketosis.
  • Maintains or improves lean body mass and performance.
  • Effective electrolyte, mineral and hydration management.
  • Fat provides majority of dietary energy in all phases.
  • Counting calories is not necessary for success.
  • Totally or predominantly composed of ‘whole foods’.
  • Short-term very low-calorie diets should be avoided until proven effective in long term studies.
  • Contraindicated for chronic conditions unless a credible long-term maintenance phase has been demonstrated.
  • Ongoing expert medical supervision required for medication management of chronic conditions. (e.g., type 2 diabetes, hypertension)
  • A well-formulated ketogenic diet does not necessarily adhere to traditional dietary guidelines.
there are several other features of this diet; we are not going to list all of these here because the list is quite long


The main principles of the ketogenic diet

Originally used in children with epilepsy to reduce seizures, the ketogenic or keto diet was developed in

the 1920s. This diet was first shown to have anticonvulsant effects in epileptics. Then, the keto diet has 

gained popularity in recent years as a quick method to lose weight. It is also used to improve symptoms 

of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.


Custom Keto Diet 
   The custom keto diet is a brand new product that allows someone to create their very own keto diet 

plan based on their food preferences, daily activity levels, height, weight and target weight goals.

We use scientific research and proven studies to create personalised ketogenic diet plans that maximise 

fat burning via the correct calories and macronutrients for each individual.

Here is that you will:

  • πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰ An eight-week meal plan created based on the expertise of certified nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs.
  • πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰ Meals that have calorie and macronutrient content tailored to their specific situation and goals.
  • πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰ A nutrition plan with food variety to ensure they will get a wide range of nutrients and boost the likelihood of sticking to their diet.
  • πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰Meals that are based on personal food preferences to make their diet enjoyable and help them stay on track with their plan.
  • πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰ Detailed recipes with step-by-step instructions to make meal preparation super simple (no prior cooking experience needed).
  • πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰A downloadable shopping list each week that details every needed ingredient they will need in the upcoming seven days.
  • πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰ Options on how they can customize every meal even more to suit your taste buds.
  • πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰ We’ll show them what to eat every day to reach their goals in the fastest and most enjoyable way.Custom Keto Diet

That being said let's continue with our article.

                    Advantages And Disavantages Of Ketogenic Diet

The positives of the ketogenic diet

  • Feeling full
  • No calorie restriction
  • Good supply of quality lipids and proteins
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Potentially positive effect on blood lipid levels
The Negatives of ketogenic diet

  • No deviation allowed
  • Difficult to follow
  • Monotone
  • Not very compatible with a fulfilling social life

        How does the ketogenic diet speed up weight loss ?

Usually, the body gets its energy from the carbohydrates consumed during the day and which are 

necessary for the proper functioning of the body. In the ketogenic diet, because carbohydrates are 

extremely limited, the body begins to draw on its stores of carbohydrates stored in the muscles and liver l 
called stores of "glycogen". Since every gram of glycogen is bound to 3-4g of water in the body, the 

significant weight loss when starting the ketogenic diet is largely water loss. When glycogen stores are 

depleted, the body naturally begins to use lipids or fat for energy. However, when the body uses fat in 

the absence of carbohydrates, it produces waste products called ketones. Then ketones start to build up 

in the blood and their smell, similar to nail polish, becomes noticeable on the breath. This is the 

primary  indicator that the body is in a state of "ketosis". It usually takes 2 to 4 weeks to get to this state.

    You can  check for "ketosis" by purchasing urine test strips at a drugstore.

This state of "ketosis" causes a marked decrease in appetite which helps reduce the amount of food 

consumed. This condition can also lead to nausea and fatigue. Although this diet is not calorie-

counting, those who do eat it actually take in fewer calories because they are not hungry and this leads 

to weight loss.

How long does the ketogenic diet last?

The specific ketogenic weight loss diet has no time limit. it's more of a lifestyle than a fixed-term diet.

 When practiced in the therapeutic field, the ketogenic diet has a duration varying from a few weeks to 

several years depending on the desired results.

        Like other diets, there are foods that are allowed and not allowed (not recommended)

 Discover these foods.


Foods Allowed on the Ketogenic Diet

Foods permitted in significant amounts in the ketogenic diet are:

  • Pisces
  • Sea food
  • Meat
  • Poultry
  • Eggs
  • Butter
  • Vegetal oils
  • Vinegar
  • Lemon juice
  • Olives
  • Lawyer
Since a large amount of fat is ingested each day, it is important to be aware of the type of fat consumed. 

It is advisable to limit the consumption of omega-6 fatty acids which in excess have a pro-inflammatory

 effect. The main sources of omega-6 are soybean, corn, safflower, grapeseed, sunflower and wheat 

germ oils. We must therefore limit the consumption of salad dressings, vinaigrettes and mayonnaise 

made with these oils.

Consuming monounsaturated fats (olive oil, avocado, nuts) and saturated fats (fatty cuts of meat, high-

fat dairy products) is recommended. The use of coconut oil is recommended because it contains fats 

which are easily converted into ketones. Finally, the consumption of Omega-3 contained in oily fish, 

rapeseed and flaxseed oil, walnuts or even chia, flax or hemp seeds must be sufficient.

Prohibited foods

The ketogenic diet is relatively restrictive, many foods are prohibited in it because they prevent the body from maintaining itself in a state of ketosis:

  • Sugar
  • Sweet products
  • Cereals
  • Starchy
  • Bread
  • Pastries
  • Pastries
  • Biscuits
  • Legumes
  • Fruits (except berries)
  • Potato
  • Sweet vegetables (beets, corn, carrots, etc.)
  • Soft-paste cheese
  • cream cheese
  • Soft drinks
  • Chocolate
  • Honey, jams, syrup
  • Fruit and vegetable juices
  • Sweet sauces

I hope I was able to answer many of your concerns. Don't forget to access the best ketogenic program 

currently on the market.

Custom Keto Diet

                            YOUR KETOGENIC DIET JUST HERE